Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lilly is Four Months Old

Our sweet Lilly had her four month check up today. Here are her stats:
26" long (100%), 14 lb 3 oz (75%).
She continues to be taller and skinnier than our other daughters. She's rolling both ways now, which is way earlier than our other kids, and she's a little bow-legged, something we hadn't seen with our other two either. This kid keeps the surpises coming, and we love it.


Mosers said...

They change sooo fast... I don't want to watch my kids grow so fast.. it makes me sad... I feel like i'm being cheated out of "time" every day! She is adorably cute!

Alicia said...

She is so stinking cute, what an adorable little face, makes me want to just kiss her!

Cathy said...

Sooo cute! She has beautiful eyes! It's a little bit sad how quickly they lose the newbornness. But, exciting too to see them grow and change.

Jenny Lynes said...

She is sooooooo cute and what a Larsen!

Miranda said...

What a cute picture! I can't believe you already have a 4 month old!